Any athlete may be tested in- and out-of-competition, anytime, anywhere and with no advance notice.

The principle of strict liability applies in anti-doping – if it is in the athlete’s body, the athlete is responsible for it.

 Athletes’ rights include (but are not limited to):

During the doping control:

o bringing a representative and, if available, an interpreter;

o asking for additional information about the sample collection process;

o requesting a delay in reporting to the doping control station for valid reasons (International Standard for Testing and Investigations Art. 5.4.4); and

o requesting modifications for athletes with impairments (if applicable).

• Requesting and attending the B sample analysis (in the case of an Adverse Analytical Finding); and

• In the case of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) being asserted, the athlete has the right to a fair hearing and the right to appeal the hearing decision.

• Rights regarding data protection, according to ISPPPI and any local law applicable.


Athletes’ responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

• complying with the IRF’s Anti-Doping Rules [and relevant policies if applicable] (in line with the World Anti-Doping Code);

• being available for sample collection (urine or blood), whether in-competition or out-of-competition;

• ensuring that no prohibited substance enters his body and that no prohibited method is used;

• making sure that any treatment is not prohibited according to the Prohibited List in force and checking this with the prescribing physicians, or directly with the IRF if necessary;

• applying to the IRF (or national anti-doping organization if the athlete is a national level athlete ) if no alternative permitted treatment is possible and a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is required (see the IRF’s TUE application process);

• reporting immediately for sample collection after being notified of a doping control;

• ensuring the accuracy of the information entered on the doping control form during sample collection (including stating any medications and supplements taken within the seven days prior to sample collection, and where the sample collected is a blood sample, blood transfusions within the previous three months);

• cooperating with anti-doping organizations investigating anti-doping rules violations (ADRVs); and

• not working with coaches, trainers, physicians or other athlete support personnel who are ineligible on account of an ADRV or who have been criminally convicted or professionally disciplined in relation to doping (see WADA’s Prohibited Association List).

Note: during doping control, the athlete must remain within the direct observation of the Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone at all times from when the initial contact is made until the completion of the sample collection procedure. The athlete must also produce identification upon request.



Athlete Support Personnel’s rights include (but are not limited to):

  • In the case of an ADRV being asserted, the Athlete Support Personnel has the right to a fair hearing and the right to appeal the hearing decision.
  • Rights regarding data protection, according to ISPPPI and any local law applicable.

Athlete Support Personnels’ obligations include (but are not limited to):

  • knowing and complying with all applicable anti-doping policies and rules, including the IRF’s Anti-Doping Rules [and relevant policies if applicable] (in line with the World Anti-Doping Code); and
  • refraining from possessing a prohibited substance (or a prohibited method)*, administering any such substance or method to an athlete, trafficking, covering up an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) or other forms of complicity and associating with a person convicted of doping (prohibited association). These are ADRVs applicable to Athlete Support Personnel under Article 2 of the World Anti-Doping Code and Article 2 of the IRF’s Anti-Doping Rules.

* unless the Athlete Support Personnel can establish that the possession is consistent with a TUE granted to an athlete or other acceptable justification. Acceptable justification would include, for example, a team doctor carrying Prohibited Substances for dealing with acute and emergency situations.