Gearbox is fueled by a vision to create superior, technology-based sporting equipment and at the core of all efforts, implementing a grass-root model. Gearbox wants players from all levels to experience first-hand how its quality products can improve their game and continue to support their love of sport.

ProKennex: Let’s be inspired by evolution, let’s go beyond the state of the art,
we embrace new technologies to enhance the most important thing:
The Performance. Ing. Kunnan, ProKennex Founder.

Founded in 1985, Splathead Sportsgear Co. creates cutting-edge sportswear that’s designed to be worn on and off the court. Outfitting individual players as well as entire tournaments and national teams worldwide. Name a prominent event and Splathead has provided their gear. They can provide you ready to wear gear from their online shop or create custom gear to your specifications. 

A Foundation for Colorado for 70+ years, El Pomar has been committed to its mission to enhance the lives of Coloradans through grants and programs. El Pomar Foundation is one of the largest and oldest private foundations in the Rocky Mountain West, with assets totaling approximately $450 million. El Pomar currently contributes approximately $20 million annually through grants and programs. From its inception, El Pomar Foundation has provided more than $400 million in capital, program, and general operating support through direct grantmaking and has invested more than $47 million in various programs.